Web Development is a process that brings together a variety of different disciplines. Web developers use technologies like HTML, Javascript, and CSS to create web pages. They also need to know how to pick the right database, as well as how to properly deploy the website using a server. It’s an exciting and rapidly-changing industry that has endless possibilities for those who want to make it their livelihood.
Technology is always evolving, so in order to stay competitive, you need to make sure you're keeping up with the latest trends. If your site isn't responsive, it may not look good on mobile devices. You might also want to explore using a content management system instead of hosting your own site. These are just some of the ways to make sure your company's website is ready for today's web development environment.
HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages, and it is easy to learn.
HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, was originally developed in 1990 and has evolved over time. It was created to organize and present content on the web and has since become the main way to structure, style, and present content on the web.
HTML allows you to use colors, styles, images, and much more to create an engaging, interactive experience with your users.
CSS is a language that makes websites look beautiful.Too many companies make ugly websites.
CSS can be intimidating, especially for small business owners. If you don’t have time to learn all the ins and outs of CSS you can still have a great looking website by using a website generator like WordPress, Beaver Builder or Elementor.
JavaScript is a scripting language that is usually used in web pages and it has now become a complex programming language with which almost everything is possible. JavaScript ensures that websites can build dynamically and adapt to the user.
WordPress is the most popular website creation tool in the world. Do you know why WordPress is the most popular website creation tool? Because if you know how to write HTML, CSS and JavaScript on PHP you can use it to create the website you want without having to go through the long, expensive process of having a professional developer create your site for you. You just need to know how to write code.
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Bootstrap is a tool that allows you to quickly prototype, build and design amazing websites or apps. You can download it for free. Bootstrap has become one of the most popular ways to quickly kickstart a new project. If you’re looking for a way to quickly get started, Bootstrap may be for you and I can help you with it.
There are too many JavaScript frameworks and libraries out there. You don’t know which one to choose. React is a library by Facebook used to build user interfaces. It is minimal and easy to use, which makes it easier to write scalable, reusable code. Take a look at the official Getting Started guide.